Sociology Optional

Segregated UPSC Previous Question Paper Sociology

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Segregated UPSC Previous Question Paper Sociology

Segregated UPSC Previous Question Paper 

Scope and Sociology Relationship with Other Social Science 

  • From the viewpoint of growing importance of multidisciplinarity, how do you relate sociology to other social sciences 2021,UPSC
  • Discuss the changing equation of discipline of Sociology with other Social Sciences. 2017, UPSC
  • Compare and contrast Sociology with Anthropology 2013,UPSC
  • “Sociology without History is rootless and History without Sociology is fruitless.” Elaborate. 2010, UPSC

Sociology and Common sense 

  • How is Sociology related to common Sense. 2021, UPSC
  • The focal point of sociology rests on interaction. How do you distinguish it from common sense? 2018,UPSC

Sociology as Science and Research methods and Analysis 

  • What is a subjective method in social research? Examine Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a technique for data collection, with suitable examples upsc 2011
  • Fact, Value and Objectivity Upsc 2012
  • Fact and Value Upsc 2011 
  • Critically examine positivistic approach in sociological studies UPSC 2013 
  • In what way is the interpretative method different from the positivist approach in the study of social phenomena 20 marks,Upsc 2014
  • How is objectivity different from value neutrality? Discuss with reference to Weber’s views on methodology? 10 marks, upsc 2014 
  • How is sociological approach to human actions different from that of Psychological approach? 10 marks, upsc 2014 
  • In what way biographies could be used to study social life. 10 marks, upsc 2014
  • Which research technique would be most suitable for the study of consumer behavior and its social correlates? Explain 20 marks, upsc 2014 
  • Examine the problems of maintaining objectivity and value neutrality in Social Science research. 20 marks, Upsc 2015 
  • Is Sociology a science? Give a reason for your answer? 10 marks, upsc 2015 
  • Non-positivist methodology is essential for understanding human behavior. Discuss. 10 marks Upsc 2015 
  • Discuss the relevance of historical methods in the study of society. 10 marks, upsc 2015
  • What are variables? Discuss their role in experimental research. 10 marks, upsc 2015
  • Why is random sampling said to have more reliability and validity in sociological research? 20 marks, upsc 2015 
  • What is “ Value-free sociology”? Clarify 10, marks, upsc 2016 
  • Analyze the importance of qualitative methods in Social research. 10 marks, upsc 2016 
  • Describe the postulates of scientific method. How far are these followed in Sociological research? 20, marks, upsc 2016 
  • Hypothesis is a statement of the relationship between two or more variables. Elucidate by giving examples of poverty and illiteracy. 20 marks, upsc 2016 
  • Examine Ethnomethodological and Phenomenological perspectives as critique of Positivism 10 marks, Upsc 2017 
  • Illustrate with examples the significance of variables in Sociological research .10 marks,upsc 2017 
  • Examine the basic postulates of positivism and post-positivism. 20, marks, upsc 2017 
  • Elaborate the main tenets of interpretive perspective in Sociology. 10, marks, upsc2017 
  • Discuss distinct Sociological method used by Emile Durkheim in his study of “suicide”. 20 marks, Upsc, 2017
  • Examine epistemological foundations of qualitative methods of social science research. 10 marks, 2017 
  • How can one resolve the issue of reliability and validity in the context of sociological research in inequality. 10 marks, Upsc 2017
  • Is non-positivist methodology scientific? Illustrate 20 marks,2018 upsc
  • Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection with suitable examples from Indian Society. 20 marks,upsc 2018 
  • Explain with examples, explanatory and exploratory designs of social science research. 10 marks, upsc 2018 
  • Explain the probability sampling strategies with examples. 10 marks, upsc 2018
  • Discuss the importance of interpretative understanding of social phenomena and explain its interpretation. 20 marks, upsc 2019
  • Bring out the significance of ethnography social science research 20 marks, upsc 2019
  • Is sociology a value free science? Discuss 10 marks, upsc 2020
  • Methodology is a system of rules, principles and procedures,which form scientific investigation. Comment 10 marks, upsc 2020 
  • Discuss the importance and sources of hypothesis in social research. 10 marks, upsc 2020
  • Analyze the trend and weakness of social survey methods in social research. 10 marks, 2020
  • Phenomenological perspectives in sociology reject many of the assumptions of positivism. Comment. 20 marks, upsc 2020
  • Do you think ethnomethodology helps us in getting reliable and valid data? Justify your answer. 10 marks, upsc 2021 
  • Discuss the challenges involved in collecting data through census methods. 10 marks, upsc 2021

UPSC 2022

Q.1(b) How does a researcher achieve objectivity in interpretative research? (2022)

Q.1(c)The difference between information and data in social science is subtle. Comment. (2022)

Q.2(b) Explain the different types of non-probability sampling techniques. Bring out the conditions of their usage with appropriate examples. (2022)

UPSC 2023

Q3. (a) What are the characteristics of scientific method? Do you think that scientific method in conducting sociological research is foolproof? Elaborate. 10 Marks (2023)

Q6. (a) What are the different dimensions of a qualitative method? Do you think that qualitative method helps to gain a deeper sociological insight? Give reasons for your answer. 20 Marks (2023)

Ques) Which is No 1 Online Sociology Optional Coaching?

Ans:- Analytics IAS is the leading online coaching platform for Sociology optional, boasting a success rate of 90%. With a team of experienced Sociology faculty, they provide comprehensive Sociology Optional study materials, live classes, and personalized mentorship. Their structured approach to prepare UPSC Sociology Optional and interactive sessions have helped numerous students crack the UPSC exam. Ranked #1 in online Sociology coaching, Analytics IAS is the go-to destination for aspirants seeking expert guidance.

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